Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shooters: What I Like and Don't Like

In my group, we're about to create a shooter. For this assignment I've started some research. I've played a few demos (namely Ikaruga, R-Type, and Rez) and watched videos of shooters. There are many things I like about most shooters, but some things I do not.

Things I like:
-Fast paced
-Interesting power-ups
-Flashy graphics
-Straightforward gameplay

Things I dislike:
-Most shooters only give you the option of shooting in one direction.
-Sometimes shooters can get monotonous because of how repetitive they can become, which is where variety in enemies is crucial.

So there you have it! Some of things I like and dislike about scrolling shooters. There's more that I like than dislike, but that's because I like action games.

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