Friday, September 16, 2011

Zombie Ideas for Mall Cop Game

I've been thinking about what kind of zombies we could have for our game. Instead of just having the typical slow moving zombies, we should mix things up a little just to make the game a bit more frantic. Here's a list of what I thought up. Tell me what you think:

Regular zombie- These are your typical slow moving zombies. Easy to blast down.
Fast zombie- Zombies that run.
Jumping zombie- Zombies that jump and try to stomp on you. I was thinking these zombies could be on pogo sticks for a comical effect.
Spitting zombie- Zombies that spit some kind of pus that damages the player.
Flying zombie- Zombies that fly in the air and try to drop on the player. I was thinking these guys could be wearing jet-packs to fly around and the jet-pack detaches once the zombie's directly above the player.

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